Midwest Collage Society meeting Sunday, January 9th 1:30 PM
Panel Discussion on Marketing our Art Work
Darien Municipal Building 1710 Plainfield Road, Darien IL 60561
Panelists-Maureen Gasek, Edward Hart and Robin Rios.
Maureen Gasek is an artist who works in several different media. She has a studio in Aurora and offers Art classes there, Maureen also have a extensive graphic arts background.
Edward Hart manages marketing for his wife Pamela Hart. Her large, realistic paintings are in local hospitals, libraries, doctor's offices and more.
Robin Rios Owner, Gallery director of 4Art inc. she was invited to bring her gallery and business to the Zhou Brother's Art Center over a year ago in down town Chicago.
The Panel Discussion will last until about 3:30, with more time for individual questions and mingling with our guests.
Don't miss this wealth of information in one space and time.
Coffee and refreshments will be served.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Sunday, November 28, 2010
December Meeting News
1. MCS December meeting
We will hold our annual "Eat, Gab and Grab" meeting on Sunday, December 5, from 1:30 to 4:00 p.m. at the Darien Municipal Center, 1710 Plainfield Road, Darien. Activities will include:
a. Holiday Potluck - Bring food to share with the group (appetizers, light entree, desserts all welcome). Please e-mail Sylvia Koch at SMK62@comcast.net to let her know what you are planning to bring so she can coordinate.
b. Vote on Bylaws Change - We must have a quorum in order to vote on the bylaws changes, so attendance at this meeting is especially encouraged.
c. Discussing the future - We will also discuss upcoming programs and possibilities for MCS.
d. Grab bag - Bring a small gift that you have made for the exchange. This could be a small piece of artwork or other item that would be enjoyed by your fellow artists.
2. MCS January meeting
Mark your calendars for Sunday, January 9, 2011, when we will host a lively panel discussion! To get us jump-started in the new year, we'll discuss the business aspects of art and ways to market ourselves and our work. Don't miss it!
3. Member news and opportunities
*The MCS Education Committee is looking for artists willing to demo in the new year.
Does anyone know of a batik process that is used on paper?
Someone in the group has sported a fancy purse that was made of fused plastic bags. Can you show us how you made it?
Anyone with a special skill out there that we're unaware of?
Do you know someone who is not in the society that would be willing to share their skill?
Please email barb boland at barbidoodle@comcast.net or bring your ideas to the December meeting.
*Mary Ann Van Soest's Third Annual Christmas Open House continues today, November 27, and on Saturday, December 4, from 10 AM to 3 PM, at Cedar Ridge Art Studio at 10830 N 700 W, DeMotte, Indiana (just south of the intersection of 1100 North & 700 West). A wide variety of handmade items and fine art are available for sale just in time for Christmas shopping. For more info, visit her blog at http://maryannvansoest.blogspot.com
*La Grange Art League has posted a Call for Art on their website for what will be a wonderful exhibit called Facades. Entry deadline is 1/4/11. Here is a link to the prospectus: http://lagrangeartleague.org/Calls_For_Entry_files/callforentry_facades_revised.pdf
Juror will be collage artist John Fraser of St. Charles, IL. Check out his web site at http://johnfraserstudio.com/
We will hold our annual "Eat, Gab and Grab" meeting on Sunday, December 5, from 1:30 to 4:00 p.m. at the Darien Municipal Center, 1710 Plainfield Road, Darien. Activities will include:
a. Holiday Potluck - Bring food to share with the group (appetizers, light entree, desserts all welcome). Please e-mail Sylvia Koch at SMK62@comcast.net to let her know what you are planning to bring so she can coordinate.
b. Vote on Bylaws Change - We must have a quorum in order to vote on the bylaws changes, so attendance at this meeting is especially encouraged.
c. Discussing the future - We will also discuss upcoming programs and possibilities for MCS.
d. Grab bag - Bring a small gift that you have made for the exchange. This could be a small piece of artwork or other item that would be enjoyed by your fellow artists.
2. MCS January meeting
Mark your calendars for Sunday, January 9, 2011, when we will host a lively panel discussion! To get us jump-started in the new year, we'll discuss the business aspects of art and ways to market ourselves and our work. Don't miss it!
3. Member news and opportunities
*The MCS Education Committee is looking for artists willing to demo in the new year.
Does anyone know of a batik process that is used on paper?
Someone in the group has sported a fancy purse that was made of fused plastic bags. Can you show us how you made it?
Anyone with a special skill out there that we're unaware of?
Do you know someone who is not in the society that would be willing to share their skill?
Please email barb boland at barbidoodle@comcast.net or bring your ideas to the December meeting.
*Mary Ann Van Soest's Third Annual Christmas Open House continues today, November 27, and on Saturday, December 4, from 10 AM to 3 PM, at Cedar Ridge Art Studio at 10830 N 700 W, DeMotte, Indiana (just south of the intersection of 1100 North & 700 West). A wide variety of handmade items and fine art are available for sale just in time for Christmas shopping. For more info, visit her blog at http://maryannvansoest.blogspot.com
*La Grange Art League has posted a Call for Art on their website for what will be a wonderful exhibit called Facades. Entry deadline is 1/4/11. Here is a link to the prospectus: http://lagrangeartleague.org/Calls_For_Entry_files/callforentry_facades_revised.pdf
Juror will be collage artist John Fraser of St. Charles, IL. Check out his web site at http://johnfraserstudio.com/
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
The NCS 26th National Juried Exhibit
The National Collage Society 26th National Juried Exhibit in on line. A few of our members have been picked to be in this first time ever On-Line exhibit. Margi Hafer, Cindy Hughes and Mary Yezek...take a look at the wonderful variety of work out there all done in the medium of collage.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
October 19, 2010 Newsflash
1. Just a reminder that there will NOT be a general meeting during November due to the MCS retreat taking place October 28-31.
2. Our December "Eat, Gab & Grab" meeting will be Sunday, December 5, from 1:30-4:00 p.m. at the Darien Municipal Center. This meeting traditionally includes a potluck lunch, discussion about our direction and future events, and a grab bag featuring small pieces of art.
3. We are working toward a January meeting in 2011 (even though we normally don't have a meeting in January). So put Sunday, January 9, 2011, on your calendar now! This is the second Sunday of the month. We are working on what we hope will be a wonderful presentation to get us all focused for a new year of creativity and success.
2. Our December "Eat, Gab & Grab" meeting will be Sunday, December 5, from 1:30-4:00 p.m. at the Darien Municipal Center. This meeting traditionally includes a potluck lunch, discussion about our direction and future events, and a grab bag featuring small pieces of art.
3. We are working toward a January meeting in 2011 (even though we normally don't have a meeting in January). So put Sunday, January 9, 2011, on your calendar now! This is the second Sunday of the month. We are working on what we hope will be a wonderful presentation to get us all focused for a new year of creativity and success.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
October 2010 Meeting
The October MCS meeting will be held Sunday, October 3, from 1:30 - 4:00 p.m. at the Darien Municipal Center, 1710 Plainfield Road, Darien.
Margi Hafer will be presenting a demo and mini-workshop on watercolor techniques for collage. This is a hands-on afternoon, and our standard $5 studio fee applies. As always, feel free to bring treats to share and items you no longer need for our informal swap table.
Please bring the following items:
- A white plate or palette (enamel butcher tray, porcelain or plastic plate are fine if you don't have a palette)
- A container for water
- A 16"x20" board to stretch paper (gator board, masonite, plywood, or foam core will work for small pieces)- A spray bottle
- Watercolor brushes (flat and round of various sizes)
- Paper towels
- A large sponge for clean-up
- Assorted collage elements of your choice (i.e. photos, magazine pictures, various papers, stamps, etc.)
- Various glues you like to use
- Scissors
- Optional: small clay board to mount finished watercolor
The following items will be supplied: watercolor paper, fiber papers, watercolor paint, matte medium, kosher salt, plastic wrap, and other supplies to alter and texture watercolor paints.Participants will create two small watercolor pieces based on demonstrated techniques.
Hope to see you there for what promises to be an inspiring afternoon!
Margi Hafer will be presenting a demo and mini-workshop on watercolor techniques for collage. This is a hands-on afternoon, and our standard $5 studio fee applies. As always, feel free to bring treats to share and items you no longer need for our informal swap table.
Please bring the following items:
- A white plate or palette (enamel butcher tray, porcelain or plastic plate are fine if you don't have a palette)
- A container for water
- A 16"x20" board to stretch paper (gator board, masonite, plywood, or foam core will work for small pieces)- A spray bottle
- Watercolor brushes (flat and round of various sizes)
- Paper towels
- A large sponge for clean-up
- Assorted collage elements of your choice (i.e. photos, magazine pictures, various papers, stamps, etc.)
- Various glues you like to use
- Scissors
- Optional: small clay board to mount finished watercolor
The following items will be supplied: watercolor paper, fiber papers, watercolor paint, matte medium, kosher salt, plastic wrap, and other supplies to alter and texture watercolor paints.Participants will create two small watercolor pieces based on demonstrated techniques.
Hope to see you there for what promises to be an inspiring afternoon!
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Open Studio at Nancy's Home
MCS member Nancy S. held an open studio Sunday, September 12, with a hands-on demo of relief and intaglio printing. Each attendee had the opportunity to emboss or carve a small, simple printing plate, and run it through Nancy's printing press.
Below, Sylvia has just pulled an intaglio print, and there are three other plates that have been run through the press and are waiting to be pulled.

And when we were done printmaking, we enjoyed lemonade, goodies, friendship and the wonderful fall weather in Nancy's delightful back yard, where even her woodpile is artistic! From left, Pat, Joan, Mary, Sylvia, Gai, Jerri & Rochelle, with Nancy behind the camera. Many thanks to Nancy (and her sweet husband) for opening her home and studio to us and giving us a wonderful taste of printmaking!
We inked the plates with a brayer and used dry paper for relief printing. Then we cleaned the plates, forced ink into the carved portion, wiped off the surface and used damp paper to create intalio prints. The press is manually operated, and each of us were able to make several prints.
Below, Sylvia has just pulled an intaglio print, and there are three other plates that have been run through the press and are waiting to be pulled.
Mary is pleasantly suprised by the appearance of her print.
Here are all the prints that were created Sunday afternoon.
And when we were done printmaking, we enjoyed lemonade, goodies, friendship and the wonderful fall weather in Nancy's delightful back yard, where even her woodpile is artistic! From left, Pat, Joan, Mary, Sylvia, Gai, Jerri & Rochelle, with Nancy behind the camera. Many thanks to Nancy (and her sweet husband) for opening her home and studio to us and giving us a wonderful taste of printmaking!
Friday, August 27, 2010
Members News Sept/Oct
Mary Warner will also have a booth tonight from 6-9 p.m. at the Artist's Faire as part of the Cloth Paper Scissors CREATE Retreat at the Rosemont Hotel. From what I can tell from their web site, this is free to all, even if not attending the retreat.
Eve Ozer has been juried into the Somnambulist Show at the ZhouB Art Center, 1029 W. 35th Street, Chicago. Show runs September 17-October 15, with an opening reception on Friday, September 17, from 7-10 p.m. and a closing reception Friday, September 15, from 7-10 p.m. The opening reception will feature Chef Mario Santiago of May St. Cafe.
Eve Ozer will have a solo show at the Downers Grove Public Library during the month of October.
Eve Ozer has been juried into the Somnambulist Show at the ZhouB Art Center, 1029 W. 35th Street, Chicago. Show runs September 17-October 15, with an opening reception on Friday, September 17, from 7-10 p.m. and a closing reception Friday, September 15, from 7-10 p.m. The opening reception will feature Chef Mario Santiago of May St. Cafe.
Eve Ozer will have a solo show at the Downers Grove Public Library during the month of October.
Laura Invites you out to the 3rd Annual Outdoor Studio Exhibit...Sept 3rd, 4th, and 5th... see more details on Laura's Blog
Laura was also acepted into the Somnambulist Show at the ZhouB Art Center, 4Artinc1029 W. 35th Street, Chicago. Show runs September 17-October 15, with an opening reception on Friday, September 17, from 7-10 p.m. and a closing reception Friday, September 15, from 7-10 p.m. The opening reception will feature Chef Mario Santiago of May St. Cafe.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Cystal Neubauer, MCS member and Vendor at the Cloth Paper Scissor Create Artiss Faire..
MCS member Crystal Neubauer is participating as a vendor in the Cloth Paper Scissors Create Retreat's Artists' Faire this Friday night, August 27, from 6-9pm at the Rosemont Hotel near O'Hare Airport. She has a booth offering artwork and found objects. This Artists' Faire is open to the public with free admission. Crystal says she believes there are some open booths if you want to consider vending there Friday. Check the same web site for information.
Crystal will also be teaching 3 classes in Portland at the Art & Soul retreat on October 5th & 6th and then vending at the vendor night there on October 9th!
Crystal will also be teaching 3 classes in Portland at the Art & Soul retreat on October 5th & 6th and then vending at the vendor night there on October 9th!
Monday, August 23, 2010
MCS Updates and Informations meetings and exhibits.
There will be no formal general meeting the month of September, but there are several field trip opportunities for MCS members:
1. The weekend of September 3-5, Laura Lein-Svencner is hosting a studio exhibit of her work along with artists Doris Lein and Nancy Cole . Location is 6718 Dale Road, Darien IL. and hours are 10-4 each day with demo's 1-3pm.
2. MCS member Connie Nestler and her husband Steven are exhibiting their abstract paintings and photographs in their 2-person exhibition "Nature and Nurture" at Elmhurst Artists' Guild Gallery, located in the Elmhurst Art Museum, 150 Cottage Hill Ave., Elmhurst, IL 60126. The reception will be held Friday, September 3, from 7 to 9 pm, and all MCS members are invited.
3. MCS member Pat Pope has a solo show at the DuPage Art League, 218 W. Front Street, Wheaton. All members are invited to the reception, Friday, September 10, from 7 to 9 pm.
4. On Sunday, September 12, at least one MCS member will open her home studio for members to visit and learn about a specific art technique. Details will follow via e-mail prior to that date, so watch your in-boxes!
5. The October Meeting will be held Sunday, October 3, and will feature Margi Hafer teaching us about watercolor techniques that can be incorporated into collage. The afternoon will involve hands-on learning, and more information (including a supply list) will be published soon.
1. The weekend of September 3-5, Laura Lein-Svencner is hosting a studio exhibit of her work along with artists Doris Lein and Nancy Cole . Location is 6718 Dale Road, Darien IL. and hours are 10-4 each day with demo's 1-3pm.
2. MCS member Connie Nestler and her husband Steven are exhibiting their abstract paintings and photographs in their 2-person exhibition "Nature and Nurture" at Elmhurst Artists' Guild Gallery, located in the Elmhurst Art Museum, 150 Cottage Hill Ave., Elmhurst, IL 60126. The reception will be held Friday, September 3, from 7 to 9 pm, and all MCS members are invited.
3. MCS member Pat Pope has a solo show at the DuPage Art League, 218 W. Front Street, Wheaton. All members are invited to the reception, Friday, September 10, from 7 to 9 pm.
4. On Sunday, September 12, at least one MCS member will open her home studio for members to visit and learn about a specific art technique. Details will follow via e-mail prior to that date, so watch your in-boxes!
5. The October Meeting will be held Sunday, October 3, and will feature Margi Hafer teaching us about watercolor techniques that can be incorporated into collage. The afternoon will involve hands-on learning, and more information (including a supply list) will be published soon.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
UPDATED August Meeting
August's meeting will be on the SECOND Sunday of the month, August 8. We have reserved the space at the Darien Municipal Center from 9:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and will have TWO presentations as well as some work time.
Our theme for the day is "Paper, Paper, Paper." Beginning at 10:00 a.m., we wil enjoy an informal presentation by Susan Clark of Graphic Chemical and Ink on their vast selection of Asian papers. This is a local company with a wide variety of art papers and other supplies. Susan will also take our questions and provide time to browse their paper selection. Then from 1:00-2:30 p.m., Andrea Harris, artist representative for Strathmore Artists Paper will present, "The Essentials of Paper," a hands-on presentation including the history of paper, how paper is made, and different types of art paper. Samples will be provided as well as a chance to try out many of the Strathmore papers. In between presentations, we will have time to work on our own projects, chat and eat, and take a look at each other's work. You may come for all or part of the day. Our normal $5 studio fee applies.
We may also have a special artist guest who would love to see our collage, assemblage and mixed-media artwork. We can't tell you who this artist is, but if she is able to attend, it will be a great honor to us and you will be happy to have had the opportunity to show your work to her!
Bring the following: Projects in progress that you want to work on (remember time and space will be somewhat limited), recent completed work to show each other and our special artist guest, a lunch and beverage, snacks to share, note-taking materials, items for the monthly swap table.
Our theme for the day is "Paper, Paper, Paper." Beginning at 10:00 a.m., we wil enjoy an informal presentation by Susan Clark of Graphic Chemical and Ink on their vast selection of Asian papers. This is a local company with a wide variety of art papers and other supplies. Susan will also take our questions and provide time to browse their paper selection. Then from 1:00-2:30 p.m., Andrea Harris, artist representative for Strathmore Artists Paper will present, "The Essentials of Paper," a hands-on presentation including the history of paper, how paper is made, and different types of art paper. Samples will be provided as well as a chance to try out many of the Strathmore papers. In between presentations, we will have time to work on our own projects, chat and eat, and take a look at each other's work. You may come for all or part of the day. Our normal $5 studio fee applies.
We may also have a special artist guest who would love to see our collage, assemblage and mixed-media artwork. We can't tell you who this artist is, but if she is able to attend, it will be a great honor to us and you will be happy to have had the opportunity to show your work to her!
Bring the following: Projects in progress that you want to work on (remember time and space will be somewhat limited), recent completed work to show each other and our special artist guest, a lunch and beverage, snacks to share, note-taking materials, items for the monthly swap table.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Two Midwest Collage Society Members Won in the National Collage Society Postcard Exhibit
Hi Everyone,
We would like to share with you the winners of the Postcard Collage Exhibit, as you can see below the two members highlighted are members of the Midwest Collage Society. We would like to congratulate them and hope that you can enjoy the exhibit on line. Five members from the Midwest Collage Society entered this year.
13th Annual Postcard Collage Exhibit
Award Winners
The following is a list of the 16 award winning collages. Click here to view the collages on our website.
We would like to share with you the winners of the Postcard Collage Exhibit, as you can see below the two members highlighted are members of the Midwest Collage Society. We would like to congratulate them and hope that you can enjoy the exhibit on line. Five members from the Midwest Collage Society entered this year.
13th Annual Postcard Collage Exhibit
Award Winners
The following is a list of the 16 award winning collages. Click here to view the collages on our website.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
August Meeting-Midwest Collage Society
Sunday, August 8th, 9:30 AM to 4:00 PM
The morning hours of this meeting will be from 9:30am till about 12:30 with a break and clean up of more projects that all the members have decided to bring and work on.. We do these kind of Workday session with our members to offer oportunities to share and grow in our collage mediums. After the lunch break members are invited to be part of our Afternoon demonstrations and lectures with this months Artist Andrea Harris. Please feel free to come for a full day or a half day..bring all your supplies that you need to work side by side with fellow collage artists. It's an enjoyable time with new ideas and techniques spring up.
Andrea Harris, Artist Representative for Strathmore Artists Paper™, will present “The Essentials of Paper”, a 90-minute hands-on presentation on Strathmore Fine Art Drawing and Watercolor Papers. The presentation will focus on how understanding a paper’s fiber, weight, texture, surface, grade and permanency affect an artist’s choice and usage of fine art paper. Attendees will participate in hands-on exercises, using the various papers with a wide selection of drawing materials.
The goal of the presentation is to provide information to help artists select the right paper for their medium and technique.
The presentation will cover all aspects of fine art drawing papers including:
• History of Writing Surfaces: parchment to papyrus to paper
• History of Paper: from China to Europe
• How Paper is Made: past and present
• Handmade paper vs. Machine made paper
• Components of Paper: fiber, watermark, surface texture, sizing, weight, permanence.
• Environmentally friendly papers and alternative fibers
• Types of Paper: newsprint, sketching, drawing, bristol, illustration, charcoal, pastel, watercolor, water-media
• Grades of Paper: student, artist, professional
• Paper Storage
Attendees will receive FREE:
• Strathmore paper & literature packet
• Additional Strathmore papers to be used during presentation hands-on
• Prismacolor drawing materials
• Princeton watercolor brush
About the Presenter
Andrea Harris was educated at the School of the Art Institute Chicago (SAIC). Her artwork has been exhibited in museums and galleries throughout the United States. Andrea's artwork can be found in private collections throughout the United States & Europe, including a recent acquisition by the Illinois Institute of Art. Andrea is one of 120 artists awarded participation in the “Cool Globes: Hot Ideas for a Cooler Planet” public art exhibition in Chicago and Washington. DC, and her replica “Cool Globe” has been featured at the United Nations & Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts.
The morning hours of this meeting will be from 9:30am till about 12:30 with a break and clean up of more projects that all the members have decided to bring and work on.. We do these kind of Workday session with our members to offer oportunities to share and grow in our collage mediums. After the lunch break members are invited to be part of our Afternoon demonstrations and lectures with this months Artist Andrea Harris. Please feel free to come for a full day or a half day..bring all your supplies that you need to work side by side with fellow collage artists. It's an enjoyable time with new ideas and techniques spring up.
Andrea Harris, Artist Representative for Strathmore Artists Paper™, will present “The Essentials of Paper”, a 90-minute hands-on presentation on Strathmore Fine Art Drawing and Watercolor Papers. The presentation will focus on how understanding a paper’s fiber, weight, texture, surface, grade and permanency affect an artist’s choice and usage of fine art paper. Attendees will participate in hands-on exercises, using the various papers with a wide selection of drawing materials.
The goal of the presentation is to provide information to help artists select the right paper for their medium and technique.
The presentation will cover all aspects of fine art drawing papers including:
• History of Writing Surfaces: parchment to papyrus to paper
• History of Paper: from China to Europe
• How Paper is Made: past and present
• Handmade paper vs. Machine made paper
• Components of Paper: fiber, watermark, surface texture, sizing, weight, permanence.
• Environmentally friendly papers and alternative fibers
• Types of Paper: newsprint, sketching, drawing, bristol, illustration, charcoal, pastel, watercolor, water-media
• Grades of Paper: student, artist, professional
• Paper Storage
Attendees will receive FREE:
• Strathmore paper & literature packet
• Additional Strathmore papers to be used during presentation hands-on
• Prismacolor drawing materials
• Princeton watercolor brush
About the Presenter
Andrea Harris was educated at the School of the Art Institute Chicago (SAIC). Her artwork has been exhibited in museums and galleries throughout the United States. Andrea's artwork can be found in private collections throughout the United States & Europe, including a recent acquisition by the Illinois Institute of Art. Andrea is one of 120 artists awarded participation in the “Cool Globes: Hot Ideas for a Cooler Planet” public art exhibition in Chicago and Washington. DC, and her replica “Cool Globe” has been featured at the United Nations & Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts.
Friday, May 28, 2010
Papermaking workshop at LaGrange Art League.....

The School director at LaGrange art league ask me to pass this on to people who like paper and making paper.. if interested just double click the image above and it will be ready to print.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Paper Process and Perception

Paper, Process and Perception
June 7 - July 30, 2010
The Dellora A. Norris Cultural Arts Center
1040 Dunham Road
St. Charles, IL
(630) 584-7200
The Midwest Collage Society will exhibit 113 original collage, mixed media and assemblage works, by 33 artists, at the Dellora A. Norris Cultural Arts Center. The theme of the show, Paper, Process and Perception, encompasses each individual artists' perception of the world through paper, wood, fabrics and other canvases
Mixed media collage has moved beyond the era of cut and paste and is now considered one of the most exciting fields of fine art. Today's mixed media collage artists push the boundaries of this fine art form, using anything and everything to create fascinating textures and illusions. Adding objects, handmade papers, image transfers and layers of paint, they create original works of art.
The quintessential recyclers, many artists find a treasure of inspiration in rescued items headed for the landfill. They re-purpose, they re-create, they re-new what was not wanted into desired artwork.
The art of creative expression makes this exhibit intriguing and exciting to see. Each piece will have a process description next to it, so the viewer can see what elements and techniques were used to create the work. Visitors to the exhibit will come away with a fresh perspective of collage , mixed media and assemblage.
Paper, Process and Perception opening reception is July 9, 2010 from 7:30 pm - 9:30 pm.
Creating Collage in All Dimensions-National Collage Society
Dear members
of the Midwest Collage Society and Regional Group of the National Collage Society,
There is a new book out from the National Collage Society which you can purchase and download to have your own E-book see details at this site.
If you decide to order this save it and bring a CD to your local printing store like Staples, Kinkos or OfficeMax and have them print it and bind it for you.
collage artist Laura Lein-Svencner is published in this book
of the Midwest Collage Society and Regional Group of the National Collage Society,
There is a new book out from the National Collage Society which you can purchase and download to have your own E-book see details at this site.
If you decide to order this save it and bring a CD to your local printing store like Staples, Kinkos or OfficeMax and have them print it and bind it for you.
collage artist Laura Lein-Svencner is published in this book
Friday, May 7, 2010
June 13th MCS Meeting
June 13th Meeting
1:30-4:00pm at Darien Municipal Building 1710 Plainfield Road Darien
Freshen up on framing and matting techniques with Laura Lein-Svencner till be presenting a demonstration on framing art work and the best ways to approach collage. Member are encourage to bring in artwork they would like to have framed and ask question, also members will get the experience to learn how to cut mats for their own works.
1:30-4:00pm at Darien Municipal Building 1710 Plainfield Road Darien
Freshen up on framing and matting techniques with Laura Lein-Svencner till be presenting a demonstration on framing art work and the best ways to approach collage. Member are encourage to bring in artwork they would like to have framed and ask question, also members will get the experience to learn how to cut mats for their own works.
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Midwest Collage Society Newsflash
April 30, 2010
1. Pickup at Downers Grove Public Library
For those who have work in the "References" exhibit at Downers Grove Public Library, don’t forget that you must pick it up tomorrow, Saturday, May 1, from 10:00 to 11:00 a.m. If you cannot pick up your work then, you must make arrangements for someone else to pick it up during those hours.
2. MCS General Meeting, Sunday, May 2
Our May meeting is this Sunday, May 2, from 1:30 to 4:00 p.m. at the Darien Municipal Center, 1710 Plainfield Road, Darien. Studio fee is $5. The meeting will feature a mini-workshop by Anne Sherwin and Leslie Trebotich of 3Amis Designs, Inc. Anne and Leslie will share their unique method of paper folding to create two-dimensional pictures. Sunday’s hands-on session will feature a Christmas design. Listed below are the supplies to bring:
Three sheets of 8.5 x 11" paper that coordinate (patterned, solid or both), Exacto knife, small scissors (for detail cutting), Scotch tape (1/2" wide), 12" ruler, bone folder, embossing tool or stylus, self-healing cutting mat, 12" paper cutter (if you have one).
3Amis Designs will bring 4 paper cutters, 4 cutting mats, Christmas papers (available for sale), cardstock for base, final sealing material for artwork.
3. Best of the Best Awards and Reception
The AFA Best of the Best exhibit closing reception is Friday, May 7, from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. at the Mayslake Peabody Mansion. Awards are scheduled for 8:00 p.m. If you have work in that show, remember that you must pick up your art at the end of the reception.
4. Upcoming exhibit at the Norris Gallery in St. Charles
Our next group exhibit is coming up soon! Registration materials were e-mailed to all members several weeks ago. If you misplaced them, please let me know and I will re-send them to you. Pre-registration deadline is Friday, May 21, drop-off date is Saturday, June 6, and the reception date is Friday, July 16. Contact our Exhibit chair Cindy Hughes for more information at Cbrookehughes@gmail.com
5. Please note MCS June meeting date change
Because the Norris drop off and hanging is taking place the first weekend in June, we have moved our general meeting to the second Sunday, June 13. Laura Lein-Svencner will be giving a demo on framing and matting techniques and we’ll have a Q&A session. You may bring artwork for framing suggestions as well.
6. Membership renewals were due in April
Remember that if you wish to exhibit in upcoming shows, you need to be a current member of MCS. If you have not renewed yet, membership forms will be available at Sunday’s meeting and can also be e-mailed to you.
7. Member News
Dennis Salaty and Dianne Martia have works in the Chicago Art Open at River East Art Center, 435 East Illinois in Chicago, through May 7 and the Best of the Best at Mayslake Peabody Estate in Oak Brook through May 7. Dennis exhibited in Image Attitude Impression at Union Street Gallery in Chicago Heights, which closed on April 9. Dianne is currently exhibiting at Good Shepherd Hospital in Barrington through July 11.
Dianne Martia will also participate in the Fields Project in Oregon, Illinois, in June to create a Field Sculpture -- an opportunity to "paint with the land" by cutting/mowing flora on a pallet of grassland that can be up to 5 acres in size located in the scenic Rock River Hill Country. These Field Sculptures are designed by the artist and created with the help of a farmer and tractor, mowed into the field, and designed to be viewed and photographed from the air. The nine-day program includes lodging on a working farm. The objective is to focus public attention on art, agriculture, and our natural resources while creating new relationships between artists, farmers, environmentalists, and educators. As one of the visiting artists, she will also participate in the Fine Arts & Crafts Festival held at Mix Park, located on Rt. 2, south of Rt. 64 in Oregon, Illinois, on June 27.
Cynthia Lee has new work at the Black Walnut Gallery in Chicago during the month of May. The opening reception is Friday, May 7, from 6 to 9 PM; all are invited.
Black Walnut/Robert Wayner Gallery
220 N. Aberdeen Street, Chicago, Illinois 60607
(The gallery is located a few blocks west of Halsted, just north of Lake Street.)
April 30, 2010
1. Pickup at Downers Grove Public Library
For those who have work in the "References" exhibit at Downers Grove Public Library, don’t forget that you must pick it up tomorrow, Saturday, May 1, from 10:00 to 11:00 a.m. If you cannot pick up your work then, you must make arrangements for someone else to pick it up during those hours.
2. MCS General Meeting, Sunday, May 2
Our May meeting is this Sunday, May 2, from 1:30 to 4:00 p.m. at the Darien Municipal Center, 1710 Plainfield Road, Darien. Studio fee is $5. The meeting will feature a mini-workshop by Anne Sherwin and Leslie Trebotich of 3Amis Designs, Inc. Anne and Leslie will share their unique method of paper folding to create two-dimensional pictures. Sunday’s hands-on session will feature a Christmas design. Listed below are the supplies to bring:
Three sheets of 8.5 x 11" paper that coordinate (patterned, solid or both), Exacto knife, small scissors (for detail cutting), Scotch tape (1/2" wide), 12" ruler, bone folder, embossing tool or stylus, self-healing cutting mat, 12" paper cutter (if you have one).
3Amis Designs will bring 4 paper cutters, 4 cutting mats, Christmas papers (available for sale), cardstock for base, final sealing material for artwork.
3. Best of the Best Awards and Reception
The AFA Best of the Best exhibit closing reception is Friday, May 7, from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. at the Mayslake Peabody Mansion. Awards are scheduled for 8:00 p.m. If you have work in that show, remember that you must pick up your art at the end of the reception.
4. Upcoming exhibit at the Norris Gallery in St. Charles
Our next group exhibit is coming up soon! Registration materials were e-mailed to all members several weeks ago. If you misplaced them, please let me know and I will re-send them to you. Pre-registration deadline is Friday, May 21, drop-off date is Saturday, June 6, and the reception date is Friday, July 16. Contact our Exhibit chair Cindy Hughes for more information at Cbrookehughes@gmail.com
5. Please note MCS June meeting date change
Because the Norris drop off and hanging is taking place the first weekend in June, we have moved our general meeting to the second Sunday, June 13. Laura Lein-Svencner will be giving a demo on framing and matting techniques and we’ll have a Q&A session. You may bring artwork for framing suggestions as well.
6. Membership renewals were due in April
Remember that if you wish to exhibit in upcoming shows, you need to be a current member of MCS. If you have not renewed yet, membership forms will be available at Sunday’s meeting and can also be e-mailed to you.
7. Member News
Dennis Salaty and Dianne Martia have works in the Chicago Art Open at River East Art Center, 435 East Illinois in Chicago, through May 7 and the Best of the Best at Mayslake Peabody Estate in Oak Brook through May 7. Dennis exhibited in Image Attitude Impression at Union Street Gallery in Chicago Heights, which closed on April 9. Dianne is currently exhibiting at Good Shepherd Hospital in Barrington through July 11.
Dianne Martia will also participate in the Fields Project in Oregon, Illinois, in June to create a Field Sculpture -- an opportunity to "paint with the land" by cutting/mowing flora on a pallet of grassland that can be up to 5 acres in size located in the scenic Rock River Hill Country. These Field Sculptures are designed by the artist and created with the help of a farmer and tractor, mowed into the field, and designed to be viewed and photographed from the air. The nine-day program includes lodging on a working farm. The objective is to focus public attention on art, agriculture, and our natural resources while creating new relationships between artists, farmers, environmentalists, and educators. As one of the visiting artists, she will also participate in the Fine Arts & Crafts Festival held at Mix Park, located on Rt. 2, south of Rt. 64 in Oregon, Illinois, on June 27.
Cynthia Lee has new work at the Black Walnut Gallery in Chicago during the month of May. The opening reception is Friday, May 7, from 6 to 9 PM; all are invited.
Black Walnut/Robert Wayner Gallery
220 N. Aberdeen Street, Chicago, Illinois 60607
(The gallery is located a few blocks west of Halsted, just north of Lake Street.)
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
One of our own Members Dianne Martia shares her art
Dianne Martia will participate in the Fields Project in Oregon, Illinois, in June to create a Field Sculpture -- an opportunity to “paint with the land” by cutting/mowing flora on a pallet of grassland that can be up to 5 acres in size located in the scenic Rock River Hill Country. These Field Sculptures are designed by the artist and created with the help of a farmer and tractor, mowed into the field, and designed to be viewed and photographed from the air. The objective is to focus public attention on art, agriculture, and our natural resources while creating new relationships between artists, farmers, environmentalists, and educators. As one of the visiting artists, she will also participate in the Fine Arts & Crafts Festival held at Mix Park, located on Rt. 2, south of Rt. 64 in Oregon, Illinois, on June 27.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Clarification of needed supplies
I checked with Anne Sherwin from 3 Amis Designs about a few of the supplies we'll use at the May 2nd meeting.
Some clarification:
the tape to bring would be scotch tape;
a stylus is just fine for the embossing tool;
we'll be cutting 11" long paper so rulers and possible paper cutters should take 12 inches.
This looks like it will be fun!
I checked with Anne Sherwin from 3 Amis Designs about a few of the supplies we'll use at the May 2nd meeting.
Some clarification:
the tape to bring would be scotch tape;
a stylus is just fine for the embossing tool;
we'll be cutting 11" long paper so rulers and possible paper cutters should take 12 inches.
This looks like it will be fun!
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Sarah E. Rehmer
Quick Post here.. for those of you that were at our last April 11 th meeting we had a guest Artist Sarah E. Rehmer present her encaustic mixed media...An overwhelming amount of members and new faces attended.. We are so very happy to see the excitement generated in our group...
thank you Sarah
thank you Sarah
May 2nd Meeting preview and info..
3Amis Designs, Inc
3Amis Designs, Inc. is an award winning company that has created an original and distinctive paper art form. Our process uses a variety of exquisite Asian, decorative and uniquely designed papers. These papers are utilized in a specific folded format to create two dimensional pictures.
To date, 3Amis Designs, Inc. has developed three distinctive series: The Asian Series depicts several styles and types of vases, fans and kimonos. Origami pieces are also available. The Animal Series depicts butterflies, dragonflies, fish., dragons, seahorses and birds. All designs are copyrighted. Finally, our Holiday Series includes several Christmas trees, a wreath and candles. Miscellaneous designs are also available
Each piece is individually handcrafted and composed of the highest quality archival materials, ensuring years of lasting beauty. In addition, each is framed in a high-gloss black metal frame and double or single matted, dependent on size. 3Amis Designs can create customized designs and colors to compliment any décor or accommodate design schemes and plans. We can also work with clients on an individual basis to explore a variety of design options. Customized framing is also available. 3Amis Designs is proud to offer a most unique and original piece of art for the discerning buyer, interior designer, art collector, architect or home owner.
Each work of art is guaranteed to be the center of attention, as well as a valued possession for many years to come.
Anne Sherwin
Leslie Trebotich
Telephone Number: 708 373-6842
Fax: 708 479-9812
Email Address: 3amisdesigns@comcast.net
Website: www.3amisdesigns.com
3Amis Designs Workshop Materials
May 2, 2010
We will be making a Christmas Design
Participants should bring:
• 3 Complimentary papers – patterned, solid or mixed (each @ 8.5 X 11 or larger)
• Exacto Knife
• Scissors (Small for detailed cutting)
• Tape – ½ inch wide
• Ruler
• Bone folder
• Embossing tool
• Self-healing cutting mat
• Paper cutter
3Amis Designs will bring:
• 4 paper cutters
• 4 cutting mats
• Christmas papers will be available for sale
• Cardstock for base of design
• Final sealing material for artwork
3Amis Designs, Inc. is an award winning company that has created an original and distinctive paper art form. Our process uses a variety of exquisite Asian, decorative and uniquely designed papers. These papers are utilized in a specific folded format to create two dimensional pictures.
To date, 3Amis Designs, Inc. has developed three distinctive series: The Asian Series depicts several styles and types of vases, fans and kimonos. Origami pieces are also available. The Animal Series depicts butterflies, dragonflies, fish., dragons, seahorses and birds. All designs are copyrighted. Finally, our Holiday Series includes several Christmas trees, a wreath and candles. Miscellaneous designs are also available
Each piece is individually handcrafted and composed of the highest quality archival materials, ensuring years of lasting beauty. In addition, each is framed in a high-gloss black metal frame and double or single matted, dependent on size. 3Amis Designs can create customized designs and colors to compliment any décor or accommodate design schemes and plans. We can also work with clients on an individual basis to explore a variety of design options. Customized framing is also available. 3Amis Designs is proud to offer a most unique and original piece of art for the discerning buyer, interior designer, art collector, architect or home owner.
Each work of art is guaranteed to be the center of attention, as well as a valued possession for many years to come.
Anne Sherwin
Leslie Trebotich
Telephone Number: 708 373-6842
Fax: 708 479-9812
Email Address: 3amisdesigns@comcast.net
Website: www.3amisdesigns.com
3Amis Designs Workshop Materials
May 2, 2010
We will be making a Christmas Design
Participants should bring:
• 3 Complimentary papers – patterned, solid or mixed (each @ 8.5 X 11 or larger)
• Exacto Knife
• Scissors (Small for detailed cutting)
• Tape – ½ inch wide
• Ruler
• Bone folder
• Embossing tool
• Self-healing cutting mat
• Paper cutter
3Amis Designs will bring:
• 4 paper cutters
• 4 cutting mats
• Christmas papers will be available for sale
• Cardstock for base of design
• Final sealing material for artwork
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Illinois State Museum On and Of Paper Exhibit
On & Of Paper
Lockport Gallery - Illinois State Museum, 201 West Tenth Street, Lockport, IL
Paper has for centuries served as a versatile material for the artist. Paper is a core element,
a support and a surface on which to sketch and test. The prints, drawings, photographs, and constructions
in this exhibition vary by era, purpose, and subject, yet are linked by a single feature: every object is
either ON paper or OF paper.
Through July 30, 2010
Free Sunday lectures - Perspectives - April 25, May 23, June 27
On & Of Paper
Lockport Gallery - Illinois State Museum, 201 West Tenth Street, Lockport, IL
Paper has for centuries served as a versatile material for the artist. Paper is a core element,
a support and a surface on which to sketch and test. The prints, drawings, photographs, and constructions
in this exhibition vary by era, purpose, and subject, yet are linked by a single feature: every object is
either ON paper or OF paper.
Through July 30, 2010
Free Sunday lectures - Perspectives - April 25, May 23, June 27
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
ICE Internation Collage Exhibit and Exchange
Some of our members set themselves up for the challenge of creating 13 collage and send them to New Zealand to be part of The 12th ICE exhibit. Take a peek and see if you can find their names and see there work... what a great exhibit.
Friday, March 12, 2010
We Miss You, Pat B!
Longtime MCS member and past exhibit chair Pat B has to be away from us for a time as she cares for her elderly mother out of state. At our recent meeting, I took some photos to send to her. Here is her reply:
"You are all fantastic! You are in my thoughts. May all of you have the best sale and exhibit ever. I loved the photo collage of all of you. Sincerely, PB"

Sunday, March 7, 2010
April's Meeting
Sunday April 11th, 2010
Note: Since Easter falls on the first Sunday of April our meeting has been moved to the second Sunday for that Month only.
Sarah Rehmer will be presenting a demonstration on Encaustic Wax Techniques.
Membership renewals are due
MCS 20.00per year
NCS 35.00 per year
total is 55.00
Create a Membership Card
each member is asked to make a collage size 4" x 7" Bring it to the next meeting for everyone to vote on, Please put your name on the back with title.. we will pick a winner for the Directory cover and the new membership cards. If your a winner you will receive membership for one year to the MCS free... so lets see who will win.
Information about joining the National Collage Society
Also this year, we are encouraging, MCS members to consider becoming members of the National Collage Society. If at least half of our members become NCS members as well that will
allow us to become regional group of the NCS, giving us non-profit status. It is the only Collage Society around with that status and provide the opportunity for an Annual Collage Exhibit and Catalog print out..
Note: Since Easter falls on the first Sunday of April our meeting has been moved to the second Sunday for that Month only.
Sarah Rehmer will be presenting a demonstration on Encaustic Wax Techniques.
Membership renewals are due
MCS 20.00per year
NCS 35.00 per year
total is 55.00
Create a Membership Card
each member is asked to make a collage size 4" x 7" Bring it to the next meeting for everyone to vote on, Please put your name on the back with title.. we will pick a winner for the Directory cover and the new membership cards. If your a winner you will receive membership for one year to the MCS free... so lets see who will win.
Information about joining the National Collage Society
Also this year, we are encouraging, MCS members to consider becoming members of the National Collage Society. If at least half of our members become NCS members as well that will
allow us to become regional group of the NCS, giving us non-profit status. It is the only Collage Society around with that status and provide the opportunity for an Annual Collage Exhibit and Catalog print out..
Our meeting was changed
Here is a few of our members,
JoAnn, Jeanne, Maryanne, Mary and Marge
Judy, Nancy, Cindy, Wendy and Sandy, with Nadine with Eve in the front
Jim, Eve, Connie, Melinda, Barb, Gai, Jerri, Pat, Mary, Sylvia, Jeanne and Mary Beth with our demonstrator and mini workshop teacher Ann.
what a great time though tight for space we did it we all made a Coptic Stitch book... We are a pretty amazing group to be able to do that in the short amount of time and space.

Hi all for those that made it we all moved our meeting to the Library at the last minute being the police need the room for important things going on... So anyone that came after, we are sorry that you didn't make it and for the inconvenience it caused.
We had 32 members at this meeting and Ann had a book packet for everyone.. can't believe it... She passed out instruction too but we will have to have her back again and do a whole day workshop that's for sure..
Monday, March 1, 2010
Mayslake winners and closing reception
Midwest Collage Society
Mayslake Peabody Exhibit
Jan 12th-Mar 5th
Closing Reception Saturday, March 6th 10am-12noon
1717 W. 31st Street, Oak Brook IL 60523
1. Laura Lein-Svencner, Darien IL "Ancient Messages"
2. Eve Ozer-Burr Ridge IL "Memories"
2. Wendy Finch- Naperville, IL "Apt 211"
3. Mary Beth Miller Lies-LaGrange IL, "Melancholy"
3. Margi Hafer-Frankfort IL, "Memories of a walk in the park"
3. Debbie Heemstra Novak-Brookfield, "She Said, She'd Heard"
Honorable Mention, Sarah Ettinger-Naperville, "Forgotten Remembrance"
Honorable Mention, Tania Blanco-Naperville, "The Remembrance Mandala"
Honorable Mention, Mary Ann Gradisher, Hammond IN, "My Memory"
Honorable Mention, Barbara Boland,LaGrange IL "36 x 24 x 26"
Judge was Cindy Fields, A full time Artist for 20 years in mixed media and acrylic paints. Owner of Cindy Fields Designs, in Naperville, a gallery, gift shop for the last 3 years.
Comment from Judge, Overall Comment on Exhibit: A fabulous show!!! Each artist has such a personal style that brings a person in to see the details. it' was difficult to narrow the choices to just "10" !
Midwest Collage Society
Mayslake Peabody Exhibit
Jan 12th-Mar 5th
Closing Reception Saturday, March 6th 10am-12noon
1717 W. 31st Street, Oak Brook IL 60523
1. Laura Lein-Svencner, Darien IL "Ancient Messages"
2. Eve Ozer-Burr Ridge IL "Memories"
2. Wendy Finch- Naperville, IL "Apt 211"
3. Mary Beth Miller Lies-LaGrange IL, "Melancholy"
3. Margi Hafer-Frankfort IL, "Memories of a walk in the park"
3. Debbie Heemstra Novak-Brookfield, "She Said, She'd Heard"
Honorable Mention, Sarah Ettinger-Naperville, "Forgotten Remembrance"
Honorable Mention, Tania Blanco-Naperville, "The Remembrance Mandala"
Honorable Mention, Mary Ann Gradisher, Hammond IN, "My Memory"
Honorable Mention, Barbara Boland,LaGrange IL "36 x 24 x 26"
Judge was Cindy Fields, A full time Artist for 20 years in mixed media and acrylic paints. Owner of Cindy Fields Designs, in Naperville, a gallery, gift shop for the last 3 years.
Comment from Judge, Overall Comment on Exhibit: A fabulous show!!! Each artist has such a personal style that brings a person in to see the details. it' was difficult to narrow the choices to just "10" !
Friday, February 26, 2010
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
March'7th Meeting Mini workshop
March 7th meeting at 1:30-4:00pm.
at 1710 Plainfield Road Darien Ill. 60561
for the pages. This binding technique was used throughout the Islamic world and Eastern Christen-dom (Europe), and is still used in Ethiopia today. By the fall of Rome, in 476AD, parchment had
largely replaced papyrus except in Egypt.
We will make a small “Coptic Stitch Book”…….41/2”Wx6”H
I will print out directions.
I will bring Wax thread and needles.
I will pre-cut Book boards (front and back).
I will also pre-cut some pages ( these will be the signatures of our books-and will save time.)
I will also bring the Cradles which we will share.
What members can bring:
Bone folder
Paper piercing tool (awl)
PVA –Glue and brush
About 3 sheets of 81/2’ x 11” of decorated paper for covers. ( Not watercolor paper because it cracks
when it is bent around the edges of the book board.)
Also a small cutting matt and scissors might be helpful.
at 1710 Plainfield Road Darien Ill. 60561
Ann Hupke Member of the Midwest Collage Society will be our presenter for the Month of March she will be giving a mini workshop on Coptic stitching/book binding. Please note the supplies you will need to bring and the studio fee of 5.00 is also needed.
History of the Coptic Stitch.
In the second or third century AD, the Copts, early Christians living in Egypt, developed the Coptic binding. They folded a few sheets of papyrus together into sections. Then, adapting their technique of interlacing threads in carpet making and weaving, they used a chain stitch to bind the sections between wooden covers. Once parchment became available, it quickly replaced papyrusfor the pages. This binding technique was used throughout the Islamic world and Eastern Christen-dom (Europe), and is still used in Ethiopia today. By the fall of Rome, in 476AD, parchment had
largely replaced papyrus except in Egypt.
We will make a small “Coptic Stitch Book”…….41/2”Wx6”H
I will print out directions.
I will bring Wax thread and needles.
I will pre-cut Book boards (front and back).
I will also pre-cut some pages ( these will be the signatures of our books-and will save time.)
I will also bring the Cradles which we will share.
What members can bring:
Bone folder
Paper piercing tool (awl)
PVA –Glue and brush
About 3 sheets of 81/2’ x 11” of decorated paper for covers. ( Not watercolor paper because it cracks
when it is bent around the edges of the book board.)
Also a small cutting matt and scissors might be helpful.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
MCS News... read up!
1. The next Midwest Collage Society Meeting is Sunday, February 7, at the Darien Municipal Center, 1710 Plainfield Road, Darien. From 9:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m., we will have general studio time to work on new or existing projects. The rest of the afternoon, from 1:30 p.m. until 4:00 p.m, will feature a demonstration of Bookbinding and More by Lauren Shover and Angela Ventrella. They will provide all materials for the demo, although you may bring along some of your favorite papers, ribbons and stamps to use if you wish. Bringing your own tools (scissors, bone folder, bookbinding needle/thread) if you have them may be helfpul. Fee is $5.
2. In the near future, each MCS member will be contacted by one of the members of the nominating committee to discuss the upcoming elections. We are seeking to fill several vacancies on the board, including the president's position. We also want to remind you that each member is expected to serve on one of the committees (exhibits/portfolio/online gallery, education, communication, membership), so be thinking about where your talents can fit.
3. Membership renewals are due by the April 5 meeting. Renewal forms will be available at February's meeting and will also be e-mailed to you. Remember to submit your 4x7" collages to Ann Hupke for the chance of winning a year's membership!
4. Because we only have one other group exhibit planned for 2010 so far, the Board has decided that we will have the current "Memory" exhibit judged. Awards will be announced at the closing reception on March 6.
5. If you received an award at the Bloomingdale exhibit last summer, you are eligible to show that artwork in the upcoming Best of the Best exhibit sponsored by the AFA, which begins in March.
To find details and entry information, visit the AFA web site at www.allianceoffineart.com
6. The theme for the upcoming MCS exhibit in April at the Downers Grove Public Library is "References." Details about drop off and pick up times, as well as registration deadlines will be sent shortly.
7. Mark your calendars now for our retreat this fall at Camp Mack in Indiana. Dates are October 28 through 31, and the cost for all 4 days is $180. (The cost for 3-day participation is being negotiated and will be announced soon.) See Pat Pope for more details.
2. In the near future, each MCS member will be contacted by one of the members of the nominating committee to discuss the upcoming elections. We are seeking to fill several vacancies on the board, including the president's position. We also want to remind you that each member is expected to serve on one of the committees (exhibits/portfolio/online gallery, education, communication, membership), so be thinking about where your talents can fit.
3. Membership renewals are due by the April 5 meeting. Renewal forms will be available at February's meeting and will also be e-mailed to you. Remember to submit your 4x7" collages to Ann Hupke for the chance of winning a year's membership!
4. Because we only have one other group exhibit planned for 2010 so far, the Board has decided that we will have the current "Memory" exhibit judged. Awards will be announced at the closing reception on March 6.
5. If you received an award at the Bloomingdale exhibit last summer, you are eligible to show that artwork in the upcoming Best of the Best exhibit sponsored by the AFA, which begins in March.
To find details and entry information, visit the AFA web site at www.allianceoffineart.com
6. The theme for the upcoming MCS exhibit in April at the Downers Grove Public Library is "References." Details about drop off and pick up times, as well as registration deadlines will be sent shortly.
7. Mark your calendars now for our retreat this fall at Camp Mack in Indiana. Dates are October 28 through 31, and the cost for all 4 days is $180. (The cost for 3-day participation is being negotiated and will be announced soon.) See Pat Pope for more details.
Friday, January 22, 2010
National Collage Society Annual Postcard Exhibit.
It's not too soon for MCS Members to start work on their Postcards National Collage Society exhibit Postcard 4 x 6 "Wish You Were Here" Keep an eye out for details at the NCS site.
Pdf form Wish You Where Here" NCS
Pdf form Wish You Where Here" NCS
Call for Art-Woman Made Gallery
Sharing with our members some other opportunities to exhibit in the Chicagoland Area. Please view the Woman Made Gallery site for more details on indiviual opportunities to enter a wide variety of show.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Cynthia Lee, Article in the Downers Grove Reporter
Downers Grove Reporter publicity on Memory Exhibit at the Mayslake Peabody Estate.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
National Collage Society's New Website
National Collage Society's new website... take a peek and look around.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Memory Exhibit-Mayslake Peabody Estate Photo's
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Call for Artists~ Talent Directory Opportunity.
We remind you that the deadline for being included in the Alliance of Fine Art's updated Talent Directory is fast approaching! You must submit your information by February 14! The necessary forms were included in the NAL December newsletter. The forms are also available at the AFA web site: www.allianceoffineart.org
The AFA Talent Directory is an invaluable resource for other artists, community groups, and art leagues to find talented artists who offer educational and professional programs, lectures, demonstrations, workshops, judging, and classes. Don't miss this chance to spread the word about the services you have to offer!
We remind you that the deadline for being included in the Alliance of Fine Art's updated Talent Directory is fast approaching! You must submit your information by February 14! The necessary forms were included in the NAL December newsletter. The forms are also available at the AFA web site: www.allianceoffineart.org
The AFA Talent Directory is an invaluable resource for other artists, community groups, and art leagues to find talented artists who offer educational and professional programs, lectures, demonstrations, workshops, judging, and classes. Don't miss this chance to spread the word about the services you have to offer!
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Get started now!! 12- ICE March 20th
To all collage artists, The 12th International Collage Exhibit and Exchange, Be part a great experience and receive an exchange of artwork in return. Go to The 12 International Collage Exhibit and Exchange scroll down on the page for the application and more details.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Calling Collage Artists
Paste-up 2010
June 26, 2010 through July 18, 2010
An juried exhibition of small format collage to be presented
at the ALL Arts Gallery in Lowell, Massachusetts.
To download the prospectus and entry form, check for news about the show or
see the last 2 exhibitions visit:
We are ready for submissions to the 2010 show. This year we will be in a
larger gallery and can accept work up to 20" on the longest side, and there
is no limit to the depth of a piece. Also, there is absolutely no
limitations on what materials can be used.
04/2/2010 Deadline for submission
04/23/2010 Notifications complete
06/21/2010 Shipped entries due
06/23/2010 Hand delivered entries due
06/26/2010 Show opens
06/26/2010 Reception
07/18/2010 Show closes
07/18/2010 Hand delivered entry pickup
Shipped entries returned after 7/18
Work, when mounted for gallery presentation, must hang on the wall and may
be no longer 20" on its longest side. All entries must have been completed
after 2008. We encourage submission of work that is for sale. Each piece
must be assembled and ready for hanging, no glass, Plexiglass only, no
gallery clips, no saw-tooth hangers.
About the Venue
The ALL(Arts League of Lowell) Arts Gallery
In a city whose motto is "Art is the handmaid of human good" the Arts League
of Lowell has become the catalyst for the creation of a community of all
artists. Through ALL, longtime residents and Lowell's new cultural
immigrants can come together to share ideas and resources, and to promote
each others' work.
ALL was conceived in the Fall of 2003 and held its first monthly meeting in
January of 2004. With the help of its members, sponsors, and patrons, ALL
fosters and celebrates creativity and artistic expression in Lowell and the
surrounding areas.
Please email me with any questions,
Karen Bettencourt, curator
web: www.karenbettencourt.com
blog: www.graycatstudio.typepad.com
June 26, 2010 through July 18, 2010
An juried exhibition of small format collage to be presented
at the ALL Arts Gallery in Lowell, Massachusetts.
To download the prospectus and entry form, check for news about the show or
see the last 2 exhibitions visit:
We are ready for submissions to the 2010 show. This year we will be in a
larger gallery and can accept work up to 20" on the longest side, and there
is no limit to the depth of a piece. Also, there is absolutely no
limitations on what materials can be used.
04/2/2010 Deadline for submission
04/23/2010 Notifications complete
06/21/2010 Shipped entries due
06/23/2010 Hand delivered entries due
06/26/2010 Show opens
06/26/2010 Reception
07/18/2010 Show closes
07/18/2010 Hand delivered entry pickup
Shipped entries returned after 7/18
Work, when mounted for gallery presentation, must hang on the wall and may
be no longer 20" on its longest side. All entries must have been completed
after 2008. We encourage submission of work that is for sale. Each piece
must be assembled and ready for hanging, no glass, Plexiglass only, no
gallery clips, no saw-tooth hangers.
About the Venue
The ALL(Arts League of Lowell) Arts Gallery
In a city whose motto is "Art is the handmaid of human good" the Arts League
of Lowell has become the catalyst for the creation of a community of all
artists. Through ALL, longtime residents and Lowell's new cultural
immigrants can come together to share ideas and resources, and to promote
each others' work.
ALL was conceived in the Fall of 2003 and held its first monthly meeting in
January of 2004. With the help of its members, sponsors, and patrons, ALL
fosters and celebrates creativity and artistic expression in Lowell and the
surrounding areas.
Please email me with any questions,
Karen Bettencourt, curator
web: www.karenbettencourt.com
blog: www.graycatstudio.typepad.com
Thursday, January 7, 2010
"Memory" Midwest Collage Society
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