Call for Entries
Artists are invited to submit entries that illustrate or portray the theme of Sanctuary.
Places or times, objects or thoughts of calm, peace, quiet, isolation, fellowship, friendship.
Creativity or rest. Freedom and release, safety and refuge. Protection. Asylum. Recovery. Drawing in, holding close. Sharing. Silence or voices joined in celebration, prayer, work.
Possible directions – home, places of worship, faraway journeys, hidden forest trails, your workshop, studio, kitchen, bedroom, family dining table, nursery, classroom, gym, golf course, garden. Caring for pets, reading in a favorite chair, performing on a theatre stage, playing a musical instrument.
The symbols of your escape - telescopes, hiking boots, running shoes, maps, trains, planes. Driving alone in your car. Floating on the water. Writing in your personal journal. Sharing your secrets with a best friend over lunch. Shelter from storms, noise, conflict, loss, pain. Incubator. Laboratory. Places and times to refresh, rediscover, reconsider, recreate. Objects that inspire renewal. Rebirth.
Deadline for Entries: Saturday, November 30, 2024 Exhibit Dates: January 18 – February 22, 2025
Look for Rules, Dates, Fees, etc. in upcoming mails.
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