Tuesday, May 28, 2024

June's Meeting

 Hi MCS Members,

Hope you are well and have been staying out of the way of the clumsy flying cicadas.  They certainly are leaving messes everywhere and the serenading makes me long for peace and quiet with just some birdsong in the background.

We had a full house at our meeting in May with Sandie Bacon from Golden sharing with us some of the newest products we can use to enhance our collages.  Thanks Sandie.

Our June 2nd meeting will have Carol Kazwick showing us how to do Sumi Marbling.

Very sadly I am sharing that longtime member and Membership Chair of 11 years, Cherie Denton passed away unexpectedly on May 18th.  Cherie was a wonderful artist and a kind soul.  She shared her knowledge and led us in Soul Collage workshops at our Annual Creative Artist Retreat several times.  In her Artist's statement, Cherie believed that art creation is part of the universal creation going on at all times and felt honored to be a part of this eternal story.  Cherie will be missed. A Celebration of Cherie's life and art will be held at a future date.

Take care,
Nancy Castner
June 2 - 12:00-2:30 -   Carol Kazwick will be doing a Sumi Marbling class.  All you need to bring is a plastic covering for the table, she will bring everything else.  This technique is so much fun, you never know what you're going to get until you lift your paper up. 


August Workday

Save the date September 25-29 for our special retreat at Camp Alexander Mack.
Margi Hafer will be at the June 2nd MCS meeting to answer any questions you may have regarding the upcoming September retreat. She will have information sheets and registration forms available at the meeting. (Unless we reach our maximum number that)
We already have 22 registrants signed-up! We will have room for a total of 25 registrants this year. ROOM FOR 3 MORE PEOPLE!
You may download and print the attached information and Registration form from this email. Be sure to make your checks payable to the Midwest Collage Society.
Anyone can call Margi or email a registration form to her before the June 2nd meeting. However, the last three registrations will be accepted on a 1st contact basis. After we have 25 people registered Margi will create a waiting list, in case someone has to drop out.
Margi's phone: 815-370-3345 email: margihafer@yahoo.com

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Laura Lein-Svencner has a wonderful Class starting at Darien Park District.

This class will teach collage and mixed media techniques right alongside the art of book making. The book that will be made is called a Concertina Sketchbook. The book opens like an accordion, and folds back upon itself allowing continuous creative drawings, gestures, and natural visual energy all packaged nicely in a hard cover sketchbook.  

Students must bring to class: pencil, scissors, 12” ruler, assortment of acrylic paints-craft or artist grade, package of baby wipes, 1-8oz. jar of acrylic gel medium, assortment of brushes, water container, art shirt or apron and a few magazines that you like. (Other supplies will be provided by the Instructor throughout the 6-week session.)

6-week session

Dates: July 15th 22nd 29th August 5th 12th 19th

Time: 9:30am-12noon

Register with Darien Park District Here 

Can't do it in person. Try on line at your convenience Here 

Margie Hafer is now a signature member of the Illinois Watercolor Society.

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