http://virtual.tart.co.nz/exhibit.htm Cool website to check out. Assemblages for sale and for some great ideas for our up and coming workshop together.
All Day Workshop to create 3-D assemblage 9-4 pm
"Spend the first Sunday in August brushing up on your three dimensional skills. Bring along a shadow box, a cigar box, a drawer, or a found piece of wood, metal etc. Take an old piece of art and alter it or combine it with another to create a third dimension. Boxes, frames will be available to share. Don't forget to bring glues, drills, screws, and other tools to put together a multitude of objects. Learn and be inspired by others' work. Inspire others with your own pieces.Pack a lunch or plan to visit a local restaurant and bring snacks to share. Show and tell and critique opportunities. And don't forget, a table will be set aside to swap unwanted supplies. Bring references that inspire you, to share with others. http://www.blancoart.blogspot.com/
All Day Workshop to create 3-D assemblage 9-4 pm
"Spend the first Sunday in August brushing up on your three dimensional skills. Bring along a shadow box, a cigar box, a drawer, or a found piece of wood, metal etc. Take an old piece of art and alter it or combine it with another to create a third dimension. Boxes, frames will be available to share. Don't forget to bring glues, drills, screws, and other tools to put together a multitude of objects. Learn and be inspired by others' work. Inspire others with your own pieces.Pack a lunch or plan to visit a local restaurant and bring snacks to share. Show and tell and critique opportunities. And don't forget, a table will be set aside to swap unwanted supplies. Bring references that inspire you, to share with others. http://www.blancoart.blogspot.com/
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