Sylvia M Koch would like to know if everyone that made some paper at the last meeting would be so kind to bring your piece back in so we can set them on a side table to a good look see. With the way things were and clean up it was hard to see what everyone made. Look forward to seen you all on June 1st 1:30-4:00 for Soul Collage at the 1710 Plainfield Road, Darien.
I think Mat board,glue and scissor are going to be need with magazines check the blog for more info or you latest newsletter.
MEETING REPEAT OF INFORMATION-------------------------------------------
SUNDAY, JUNE 1, 2008Kathy Boe will present our June program “SoulCollage.” Visit for somehistory of the subject. Something completely newand different!Bring the following items:Several 5x8” pieces of mat board, a glue stick,scissors and magazines.NO MEETING IN JULY