Wednesday, January 1, 2025

January 2025 Newsflash

 Hi MCS Members,

Happy New Year!  2025 offers us new opportunities to shine through our creativity.  Creativity promotes well being, adds awareness and joy to our lives.  Let your creative juices flow.

A  lovely Holiday Luncheon was held at The Patio with good food, a fun gift exchange and enjoyable conversations on December 1st.

There will be no meeting in January so stay cozy and warm in your homes.

Sadly I am sharing the passing of Mary Warner on December 14th at her home after a long battle with disabilities from Spina Bifida.  In the past, Mary served on the MCS Board and shared her amazing artistic abilities with us many times providing workshops and demonstrations.  Her warm heart and generous spirit will be missed.  A Memorial Mass will be held on Saturday, January 11, 2025 at St Alexander's Church, 300 S Cornell Ave, Villa Park with visitation at 9:00 am and mass at 10:15 am.  A luncheon will be held following the mass at Allegra Banquets, 237 W. St. Charles Rd., Villa Park.

February will be a work day from 9 am to 3 pm.  Plan to bring a project to work on and if you need assistance from fellow artists to critique your work to help you proceed to complete it, bring that too. 

Wishing you all a Healthy, Happy New Year!

Take care,
Nancy Castner

January 5 No meeting

February 2 - 9:30am to 2:30pm - Workday  Bring lunch and something you're working on.
March 2 - 12:30pm to 2:30pm - Nancy Swingle will be presenting a class on origami dresses and their many uses in our art.
Our next exhibit is at the Downers Grove Library  April 10 - May 11
Drop-off  Saturday, April 5 (10 - noon)
Pick-up Saturday, May 17 (10 - noon). 
A prospectus will be available in the next newsletter and at the February meeting.
As of now there are no other show’s scheduled unless someone decides to pick up the mantle and take over the job of exhibit chairman. 
Bonnie Jaswith has agreed to take on the Midwest Collage Society Temporary Exhibit Chair.
Save the date September 24-28, 2025 for our next special retreat at Camp Alexander Mack.
We look forward to our next time together making art, attending workshops,  enjoying nature and marveling at the beautiful sunsets. Tania Blanco and Joan Lucht are co-chairs for the 2025 retreat and encourage everyone to begin promoting this affordable 5 day retreat of creatives. Space is limited to 25. Registration forms will be available in February.

Mary Warner's obituary is attached. Mary's husband Chuck has asked us to forward it to as many people you can think of who knew Mary. 

Laura Lein-Svencner  has a few classes, workshops and a demo coming up
Saturday Jan 11th at 2:00-3:30 Demonstration at Naperville Art League,
508 North Center Street, Naperville IL.  There is Registration with a $20.00 fee, plus three Door Prizes. Call 630-355-2530 to register or Click HERE and scroll down.

Vision Board Workshops-Collage your Intention and Dreams, Two Places.
Naperville Art League Saturday Jan 25th -HERE
Hinsdale Public Library- Saturday Feb 1st - HERE Members of Library

Collage Meditation-Naperville Art League-HERE
Friday Mornings 10:30-1:00, 5 Weeks, Feb 7th -March 7th

A Year of Practice-Winter Session - HERE Mayslake Peabody Estate
Book, Nature, Art- Discussion
Monday Mornings 9:30-12:00, 7 weeks, January 13th,20th, 27th, Feb 3rd, 10th, 17th 24th

Solo Exhibit of Laura Lein-Svencner's Collage Art
Hinsdale Public Library-Quiet Room first floor, Jan 4th-Mar 7th, 2025.
Reception Tuesday Jan 21, 6:30-7:30pm., 20 E. Maple Street, Hinsdale Il 60521

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

December's Newsletter

 Hi MCS Members,

HAPPY HOLIDAYS to you all.  

Many thanks to Rachel Weaver Rivera for presenting the workshop on November 3rd.  Rachel shared her expertise and amazing ephemera with us as we created unique portraits.  It was an enlightening experience.

Our Holiday Party has been changed from a catered event at the Police Station to returning to The Patio, 7440 Kingery (Rt. 82), Darien, IL on December 1st.. In order to beat the crowd to purchase our meal, the Holiday Party will begin at 11:30 am.   We will once again have a gift exchange where you either make a gift or purchase an art related gift. No Ornaments.  This is voluntary so bring a gift and get a gift or you can choose not to participate.  Things are happening very quickly this year with Thanksgiving on Thursday followed by the MCS party on Sunday so mark your calendars accordingly.  See you soon.

There will be a Celebration of Life for Chris Jacobson on Sunday December 15th held at Cadence Kitchen, 501 Mochel Dr., Downers Grove, IL from 2-5 pm.

Many, many thanks to Bonnie Jaswith who has agreed to take on the Midwest Collage Society Temporary Exhibit Chair.  Yea Bonnie!

We do not meet in January so stay cozy and warm at home on January 5th and join us again on February 2nd for a workday from 9:30 am to 2:30 pm. This is a great time to be creating art.  Remember we have the exhibit in April at the Downers Grove Library.  Just Do It!

Take care,
Nancy Castner
MCS President

December 1 - 11:30   Holiday party at The Patio, 7440 Kingery (Rt. 82), Darien, IL
There will be a voluntary gift exchange where you either make a gift or purchase an art related gift, but please, no ornaments. You can choose not to participate. 

January 2025 - No meeting
February - 12:30pm to 2:30pm - Origami Dresses presented by Nancy Swingle. Use them in collage pieces, cards, etc

Our next exhibit is at the Downers Grove Library  April 10 - May 11
Drop-off  Saturday, April 5 (10 - noon)
Pick-up Saturday, May 17 (10 - noon). 
As of now there are no other show’s scheduled unless someone decides to pick up the mantle and take over the job of exhibit chairman. 
Bonnie Jaswith has agreed to take on the Midwest Collage Society Temporary Exhibit Chair.
Save the date September 24-28, 2025 for our next special retreat at Camp Alexander Mack.
We look forward to our next time together making art, attending workshops,  enjoying nature and marveling at the beautiful sunsets. Tania Blanco and Joan Lucht are co-chairs for the 2025 retreat and encourage everyone to begin promoting this affordable 5 day retreat of creatives. Space is limited to 25. Registration forms will be available early in the new year.

There will be a Celebration of Life for Chris Jacobson on Sunday December 15th held at Cadence Kitchen, 501 Mochel Dr., Downers Grove, IL from 2-5 pm.

Tuesday, October 29, 2024

Heading in to Fall and MCS meetings

 Hi MCS Members,

Oh what a luscious fall we are experiencing.  The cool nights and warm days are so appreciated.  They are accompanied by the trees creating the beautiful fall colors we are experiencing.  Be sure to get outdoors whenever you can, it makes living joyous.

At our November 3rd meeting, Rachel Weaver Rivera will be presenting a workshop that has the power to impact our lives in many ways.  It will be time well spent.

It is with a heavy heart I am sharing that our Exhibit Chair, Chris Jacobson unexpectedly passed away on October 21st.  Chris was an amazing artist in all media, always excited to try something new.  With her generous spirit she shared her wonderful talents including providing workshops for us at MCS.  She was so full of life and love, she brought light when she would enter a room.  Her delightful sense of humor and laugh were infectious.  Chris will be missed so much.  Memorial information is not available at this time.

Take care,
Nancy Castner

November 3   12-2:30 Rachael Rivera, an artist and therapist, will present a workshop on feminine portraits emphasizing the profound impact of creativity on well being and empowerment.  
Bring table cover and general supplies; scissors, pencil, etc.


December 1 - 12 - 2:30 Holiday party at the Darien Police Station. Details in December Newsflash
January 2025 - No meeting

Our next exhibit is at the Downers Grove Library in April. 
As of now there are no other show’s scheduled unless someone decides to pick up the mantle and take over the job of exhibit chairman.

Save the date September 24-28, 2025 for our next special retreat at Camp Alexander Mack.
We look forward to our next time together making art, attending workshops,  enjoying nature and marveling at the beautiful sunsets 

Laura Lein-Svencner is having her annual 50% off sale on all her online classes. This sale ends December 19th and you need a Code - all caps,  WHATHALFOFF when you check out there is a space to fill this in. Head over to Lonecrow Studio for this Sale of the Year. You might want to take a look at the site and see all the extras before you look at the classes. There are some free classes too..     

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Call for Art



Call for Entries

Artists are invited to submit entries that illustrate

or portray the theme of Sanctuary.

Places or times, objects or thoughts of calm, peace,

quiet, isolation, fellowship, friendship.

Creativity or rest. Freedom and release, safety and refuge. Protection. Asylum. Recovery. Drawing in, holding close.

 Sharing. Silence or voices joined in celebration, prayer, work.

Possible directions – home, places of worship,

faraway journeys, hidden forest trails, your workshop,

studio, kitchen, bedroom, family dining table, nursery,

classroom, gym, golf course, garden.

Caring for pets, reading in a favorite chair, performing

 on a theatre stage, playing a musical instrument. 

The symbols of your escape - telescopes, hiking boots,

 running shoes, maps, trains, planes. Driving alone in your car. Floating on the water. Writing in your personal journal.

 Sharing your secrets with a best friend over lunch.


Shelter from storms, noise, conflict, loss, pain.

Incubator. Laboratory. Places and times to refresh,

 rediscover, reconsider, recreate.

Objects that inspire renewal.


Deadline for Entries: Saturday, November 30, 2024

Exhibit Dates: January 18 – February 22, 2025

Look for Rules, Dates, Fees, etc. in upcoming mails.

Tall Grass Arts Association, 367 Artists Walk, Park Forest, IL 60466  708 748 3377

Gallery Hours: Tuesday through Saturday, 11am - 4pm each day.

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Collage Retreat and Moving Forward into Fall

 Dear MCS Members,

The Creative Artists Retreat is now a wonderful memory.  A  huge thank you to Margi Hafer for all of her efforts to make the 2024 Creative Artists Retreat an amazing success.  The participants really showed their diverse creative abilities.  Five days of beautiful surroundings, learning new techniques, good food and the camaraderie of fellow artists.  
Many thanks to Debbie McEllenborough (Woven Collages), Donna Hacker and Jan Hurst (Calligraphy in Collage), and Chris Jacobson (Paper Bead Making) who shared their knowledge and provided mini workshops for us.  As I said last year, if we could bottle the joys, we'd be selling it by the case. 

Many thanks to Marge Boyd for showing us how to make a pen for calligraphy and how to use calligraphy in our collages at our September 8th MCS meeting. 

I hope you have had the opportunity to get to the MCS Exhibit at the Crete Library.  It is quite lovely. Congratulations to the award winners.  They are listed below under exhibits.  A reminder to pick up or arrange for your art to be picked up on October 12th from 10-12.

We won't have a meeting on October 6th so don't show up at the Darien Police Department unless you have been arrested.

At our November 3rd meeting we will have a real treat. Rachel Weaver Rivera will be presenting a workshop that has the power to impact our lives in many ways.

Take care,
Nancy Castner

October No Meeting

November 3 Rachel Weaver Riveraan artist and therapist, will be showing us her wonderful portrait collage technique.

December 1 - Holiday party at the Darien Police Station. Food will be catered.

Pick up! -  Saturday, October 12 from 10am to 12pm
The Crete Library 2nd floor,  1177 Main St.,Crete, IL 60417
1st Place - Feather Forest Journey by Cherylyn Gnadt
2nd Place - Close Encounter by Joan Lucht
3rd Place - Crazy Quilt by Margi Hafer
Merit Awards - Shibori by Joan Lucht, Leftover Leaves by Nancy Swingle and The Professor by Chris Jacobson
Our next exhibit is at the Downers Grove Library in April. 
As of now there are no other show’s scheduled unless someone decides to pick up the mantle and take over the job of exhibit chairman.
 Chris Jacobson exhibit chairman

Dear MCS Retreat friends
I'm sorry that I was not able to attend the MCS Retreat this year. I was looking forward to it very much! On September 11th my husband had a fall and fractured the head of his left Humerus that attaches to his shoulder.  Looks like it will take a while to heal.
Margi Hafer
Save the date September 24-28, 2025 for our next special retreat at Camp Alexander Mack.
With our 2024 retreat now in the history books we look forward to our next time together making art, attending workshops,  enjoying nature and marveling at the beautiful sunsets over the lake.  
Joan Lucht and Tania Blanco have stepped up to take Margi's place. Yes, it will take two to do the work that Margi has done for several years!  Thank you, Margi!
IMG_9298.JPG    Sunset 2024.jpg
Laura Lein-Svencner has a new class starting at Naperville Fine Art Center and Gallery
Floating Collage Compositions   
Oct. 31 - Dec. 12, (1:30-3:30pm)
6 weeks -Thursday Afternoons  No class 11/28/2024
$185.00     Supply Fee: $5.00 (payable to the teacher first class)
Sign up Here
Collage is about the paper, glue, and how you apply it to a surface. In this workshop  we will explore first the making of our own unique papers. From repurposing found papers to creating new marks and designs. Allowing our outer surroundings to inspire the inner works of assembling the mixture of mind and materials. Creation of a palette of papers will involve the use of many tools that may flash us back to our younger days. Though we know so much more now as adults, we may have forgotten how important it is to know the tools we are working with. Being aware of all aspects from the edges of the papers to the center of the collage work we will draw our vision into focus around the entire surface. For sure to challenge the best creative. The study of composition never grows old, working on wood panels will emphasize placement and arrangement to size and series. The wood panels will allow for insightful opportunities to add nails, tacks, thread and dangly bits.      
Adrienne Austin, Nancy Castner, Joan Lucht, Gale Vance, and Mary Warner are having an altered book exhibit through October at Nature’s Best Cafe in Naperville.
The cafe’s hours are Mon-Wed 7am-3pm, Thu-Sat 7am-7pm, Closed Sundays
A reception will be held Saturday, October 26 from 2 to 4pm.