Saturday, April 6, 2019

Downers Grove Public Library Annual Exhibit-MCS members

Theme - Outside the Ordinary

Unbelieve amount of wonderful collage and assemblage works on exhibit through the month of April at Downers Grove Public Library, 1050 Curtiss Street Downers Grove IL 60515
This Exhibit was an Judged and here are the winners

#1—Carol Kazwick— HOMAGE TO KURT II
        This was a beautifully executed collage, mounted on hand made paper, presented and framed like a museum piece. The context of the collage was designed in a very balanced way, with text and cut pieces layered to enhance the depth of the HOMAGE…..the stamping and images all telling a story stopped in time, yet it was not nostalgic, as so many period pieces are. It told a story yet remained mysterious enough to engage the viewer for a while, wondering who KURT might be.

#2—Kathleen Schonauer—TREE OF LIFE
        While this piece was yet another memorial to the Holocaust, it had a power within that not only honored the dead, but saluted their strength—in their lives and in the lives that followed them. The candles burning in the gun shells was such a powerful image—yet did not overpower the message. One need only to see that eye of the bird above to feel the souls that have left yet are still with us. The box was a good idea too as it served as a portable altar to take with and position it anywhere, anytime one needed to remember…to honor.

#3—Cheryl Gnadt—TELLING THE BEES
       This piece was a beautiful mixture of assemblage material, giving depth to the honey comb of life. The torn book, the pages forming one layer of the honey comb, the bees beginning to fill up the comb with themselves, words, honey?  and all masterfully layered behind a metal grid which either could suggest a prison—or a very safe place. Literature has always been part of the collage/assemblage/mixed media material……but it is done very well here, engaging the observer to look inside, go deeper within the layers and enter along with the bees……to tell the bees.

Congratulations to all---

Judge of the MCS Award winners 

Andrea Reynders

1 comment:

Cherylyn Gnadt said...

Thank you for choosing my piece "Telling the Bees" - it was a delicate creation.