Monday, April 3, 2017

Tree of Life demo and mini workshop

Andrea Fox will get us started with ideas for creating our own "Tree of Life" collage.
"Tree of Life"— We will explore it's meaning and inspiration. The subject has mystical aspects and magic that many cultures, races and religions have as a source of life in their beliefs. This presentation will provide some insights to the history of the Tree of Life.  It is meant to inspire you to think and feel your way to creating a personal tree of life with your knowledge of collage. As an art teacher, I have used the subject of tree in drawing and painting classes because the artist can easily relate to the way a tree grows and the mood it can create. We won't hug a tree but some of our feelings and inner self may show up in our collage work.

Andrea gave a wonderful presentation and mini's some idea of trees she showed and the Celtic tree horoscope...etc. 

And now some paper, scissors and glue....and the Midwest Collage Society is off and cutting. 

What a great theme to work many different kinds of trees and the tree is and has been a huge part of all our lives, from the paper we work with to the homes we live in...Imagine

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