Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Call for Art



Call for Entries

Artists are invited to submit entries that illustrate

or portray the theme of Sanctuary.

Places or times, objects or thoughts of calm, peace,

quiet, isolation, fellowship, friendship.

Creativity or rest. Freedom and release, safety and refuge. Protection. Asylum. Recovery. Drawing in, holding close.

 Sharing. Silence or voices joined in celebration, prayer, work.

Possible directions – home, places of worship,

faraway journeys, hidden forest trails, your workshop,

studio, kitchen, bedroom, family dining table, nursery,

classroom, gym, golf course, garden.

Caring for pets, reading in a favorite chair, performing

 on a theatre stage, playing a musical instrument. 

The symbols of your escape - telescopes, hiking boots,

 running shoes, maps, trains, planes. Driving alone in your car. Floating on the water. Writing in your personal journal.

 Sharing your secrets with a best friend over lunch.


Shelter from storms, noise, conflict, loss, pain.

Incubator. Laboratory. Places and times to refresh,

 rediscover, reconsider, recreate.

Objects that inspire renewal.


Deadline for Entries: Saturday, November 30, 2024

Exhibit Dates: January 18 – February 22, 2025

Look for Rules, Dates, Fees, etc. in upcoming mails.

Tall Grass Arts Association, 367 Artists Walk, Park Forest, IL 60466  708 748 3377

Gallery Hours: Tuesday through Saturday, 11am - 4pm each day.

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Collage Retreat and Moving Forward into Fall

 Dear MCS Members,

The Creative Artists Retreat is now a wonderful memory.  A  huge thank you to Margi Hafer for all of her efforts to make the 2024 Creative Artists Retreat an amazing success.  The participants really showed their diverse creative abilities.  Five days of beautiful surroundings, learning new techniques, good food and the camaraderie of fellow artists.  
Many thanks to Debbie McEllenborough (Woven Collages), Donna Hacker and Jan Hurst (Calligraphy in Collage), and Chris Jacobson (Paper Bead Making) who shared their knowledge and provided mini workshops for us.  As I said last year, if we could bottle the joys, we'd be selling it by the case. 

Many thanks to Marge Boyd for showing us how to make a pen for calligraphy and how to use calligraphy in our collages at our September 8th MCS meeting. 

I hope you have had the opportunity to get to the MCS Exhibit at the Crete Library.  It is quite lovely. Congratulations to the award winners.  They are listed below under exhibits.  A reminder to pick up or arrange for your art to be picked up on October 12th from 10-12.

We won't have a meeting on October 6th so don't show up at the Darien Police Department unless you have been arrested.

At our November 3rd meeting we will have a real treat. Rachel Weaver Rivera will be presenting a workshop that has the power to impact our lives in many ways.

Take care,
Nancy Castner

October No Meeting

November 3 Rachel Weaver Riveraan artist and therapist, will be showing us her wonderful portrait collage technique.

December 1 - Holiday party at the Darien Police Station. Food will be catered.

Pick up! -  Saturday, October 12 from 10am to 12pm
The Crete Library 2nd floor,  1177 Main St.,Crete, IL 60417
1st Place - Feather Forest Journey by Cherylyn Gnadt
2nd Place - Close Encounter by Joan Lucht
3rd Place - Crazy Quilt by Margi Hafer
Merit Awards - Shibori by Joan Lucht, Leftover Leaves by Nancy Swingle and The Professor by Chris Jacobson
Our next exhibit is at the Downers Grove Library in April. 
As of now there are no other show’s scheduled unless someone decides to pick up the mantle and take over the job of exhibit chairman.
 Chris Jacobson exhibit chairman

Dear MCS Retreat friends
I'm sorry that I was not able to attend the MCS Retreat this year. I was looking forward to it very much! On September 11th my husband had a fall and fractured the head of his left Humerus that attaches to his shoulder.  Looks like it will take a while to heal.
Margi Hafer
Save the date September 24-28, 2025 for our next special retreat at Camp Alexander Mack.
With our 2024 retreat now in the history books we look forward to our next time together making art, attending workshops,  enjoying nature and marveling at the beautiful sunsets over the lake.  
Joan Lucht and Tania Blanco have stepped up to take Margi's place. Yes, it will take two to do the work that Margi has done for several years!  Thank you, Margi!
IMG_9298.JPG    Sunset 2024.jpg
Laura Lein-Svencner has a new class starting at Naperville Fine Art Center and Gallery
Floating Collage Compositions   
Oct. 31 - Dec. 12, (1:30-3:30pm)
6 weeks -Thursday Afternoons  No class 11/28/2024
$185.00     Supply Fee: $5.00 (payable to the teacher first class)
Sign up Here
Collage is about the paper, glue, and how you apply it to a surface. In this workshop  we will explore first the making of our own unique papers. From repurposing found papers to creating new marks and designs. Allowing our outer surroundings to inspire the inner works of assembling the mixture of mind and materials. Creation of a palette of papers will involve the use of many tools that may flash us back to our younger days. Though we know so much more now as adults, we may have forgotten how important it is to know the tools we are working with. Being aware of all aspects from the edges of the papers to the center of the collage work we will draw our vision into focus around the entire surface. For sure to challenge the best creative. The study of composition never grows old, working on wood panels will emphasize placement and arrangement to size and series. The wood panels will allow for insightful opportunities to add nails, tacks, thread and dangly bits.      
Adrienne Austin, Nancy Castner, Joan Lucht, Gale Vance, and Mary Warner are having an altered book exhibit through October at Nature’s Best Cafe in Naperville.
The cafe’s hours are Mon-Wed 7am-3pm, Thu-Sat 7am-7pm, Closed Sundays
A reception will be held Saturday, October 26 from 2 to 4pm.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Award Winners "Pieces" Crete IL

Recognized Artists of Midwest Collage Society Exhibit, 2024 Crete IL 

First Place- Cherylyn Gnadt

Feather Forest

Second Place- Joan Lucht

Close Encounter

Third Place- Margie Hafer

Crazy Quilt


Tuesday, August 27, 2024

September and Creative Artists Retreat info

 Hi MCS Members,

It's difficult to believe that the summer is almost over.  It has been a lovely one; warm but not too hot, enough rain to keep our plants happy and healthy and time to enjoy the delightful summer activities.  Before you know it, we'll be wearing sweaters and coats....

We have much to look forward to:  The drop off for the Crete exhibit will be on August 31 from 10-12 at the Crete Public Library, 1177 Main Street 2nd floor, Crete, IL.  Marge Boyd will be sharing how we can incorporate calligraphy into our collages at our meeting on September 8th.  That will be followed by our Creative Artists Retreat September 25-29 at Camp Mack.  If you haven't already begun packing, it's time.  This always takes longer than expected.  

Joan Petranovich has stepped up and volunteered to be the Membership Chair.  Thank you Joan.  Now we just need members to step up for the positions of Exhibit Chair, Treasurer and President. 

Take care,
Nancy Castner
MCS President

September 8 - 12pm - 3pm.  Marge Boyd who is a collage artist and talented calligrapher will be showing us how to incorporate lettering in our collages.  We will make a folded pen and use inks to make marks and lettering. Bring some watercolor paper good for wet media along with the usual table covering, pencil, scissors, etc.

October No Meeting
November 3 Rachel Weaver Riveraan artist and therapist, will present a workshop on feminine portraits emphasising the profound impact of creativity on well being and empowerment. 


The Crete Gallery Exhibit has had a change of address.  The new address to drop off your pieces for the September Show is: The Crete Library 2nd floor,  1177 Main St.,Crete, IL 60417.  
Drop off -  Saturday, August 31 from 10am to 12pm
Artist reception - Saturday, September 7th. 11am to 2pm
 Chris Jacobson exhibit chairman

Save the date September 25-29 for our special retreat at Camp Alexander Mack.
Margi Hafer has sent informational emails to all Creative Retreat registrants.  There are still a couple of places available for this Fall's retreat. The cost of the retreat is a really great bargain at a cost of $350. We will accept retreat registrations until Labor Day.  
Call or email Margi and she will be happy to answer any questions you may have regarding the upcoming September retreat. 
We already have 22 registrants signed-up! We will have room for a total of 25 registrants this year. ROOM FOR 3 MORE PEOPLE!
You may download and print the attached information and Registration form from this email. Be sure to make your checks payable to the Midwest Collage Society.

  Painting of sunset, Lake Waubee at Camp Alexander Mack, by Margi Hafer

Laura Lein-Svencner has a solo exhibit and classes starting in September:
Layered Retrospect - Solo Exhibit at North Central College, Oesterle Library Gallery and Schoenherr Gallery in the Wentz Concert Hall, 171 E. Chicago Ave, Naperville IL. Exhibit dates September 6th-October 4th, Reception Saturday September 21st 3-5pm in the Schoenherr Gallery.

Nature Scroll Sketching, Mayslake Peabody Estate, 1717 31st Street Oak Brook IL 
Classes start Tuesday's Mornings starting September 10th - December 10th, 14 week long session. 9:30-12:30. Link for Information Here

Mini Abstract Collage Landscapes, Sept. 12 - Oct. 17, (1:30-3:30pm), 6 Thursdays starting at Naperville Art League, 508 North Central Ave, Link for Information Here

Margi Hafer will exhibit over 35 pieces of her art including: watercolors, collages, and small sculptures at The Vogt Visual Arts Center, 17420 67th Court, in Tinley Park, IL 
Her colorful work ranges in subjects from floral and figurative to fanciful and abstract. Margi has invited her watercolor students to join her in this exhibit by showing one of their favorite paintings they have created in class. Students participating include: Lillian Artus, Marge Boyd, Susanne Dubel, Martha Fahey, Andrea Fox, Donna Gustafson, Gloria Judge, Dee Lynch, Diane Masloroff, Pam McDonald, Stacie McGlone, Peggy Mckerral, Barbara Mier, Joyce Mistina, Linda Mitchell, Kristin Murphy, Marilyn O’Rourke, Sandy Newell, Kim Ogle, Carle Togul and Yvonne Wilamowski.
Creative Art Making will be on display during gallery hours: Saturday, September 7- Saturday, September 28, 2024
Vogt Visual Arts Gallery Hours: Tuesdays, 7-9 pm, Wednesdays, 4-7 pm, Thursdays, 11am-2pm and 7-9 pm (omit evening hours for fall season), Fridays 2-6 pm, Saturdays 11-4 pm.
Reception: Friday, September 13, 7-9p.m.

 Adrienne Austin, Nancy Castner, Chris Jacobson, Joan Lucht, Gale Vance, and Mary Warner are having two exhibits at Nature’s Best Cafe in Naperville. Collage and other media will be exhibited in September; altered books in October. The cafe’s hours are Mon-Tues 7am-3pm,    Wed-Sat 7am-7pm,       Closed Sundays  

Thursday, July 25, 2024

August Meeting and agenda


Dear MCS Members,

The summer is flying by.  How do the days and weeks pass so quickly?  Have you noticed how lovely the gardens have been this year?  It's been a time for enjoying outdoor concerts, al fresco dining, long walks and so much more.  Hope you are enjoying it all.

Our August 4th meeting will be a workday from 9:30 am to 2:30 pm.  Bring lunch and join everyone for a day of creativity.  Just pack up a project (Crete Gallery piece perhaps) and enjoy the camaraderie as you play with art.

For those planning to attend the Creative Artists Retreat, it's time to start planning your projects and materials you will be bringing.  This usually takes so much longer than  expected.  No sense adding stress to what promises to be a wonderful experience.

We are still looking for members to volunteer for positions on the MCS Board.  Just contact any Board Member listed at the end of the newsletter to let them know you are willing to add your expertise to the Board.  We need you.

See you in August 4th, take care,

Nancy Castner

August 4 workday from 9:30am to 2:30pm Bring something that you've been nagging yourself to get done, that's what I'll be doing.  Bring a lunch or snack and check out what everyone else is working on, always interesting.

September 8 12pm - 3pm. Marge Boyd will be giving a program for adding lettering to your collage.

October No Meeting


The Crete Gallery Exhibit has had a change of address.  The new address to drop off your pieces for the September Show is: The Crete Library 2nd floor,  1177 Main St.,Crete, IL 60417.  Note the change of address on the attached Prospectus as well. Remember to get notice of your entries to Chris Jacobson no later than August 25 preferably by the 15th. 
The prospectus is due to Chris Jacobson via email, text or snail mail by August 25th.
Our artist reception will be on Saturday, September 7th. Time to be announced.
 Chris Jacobson exhibit chairman
717 Four Seasons Blvd.
Aurora, Il 60504

Save the date September 25-29 for our special retreat at Camp Alexander Mack.
Margi Hafer will be sending an informational email to all Creative Retreat registrants in late July. People who paid a $200 deposit should send their final payment of $120 to Margi on or before August 6th.  There are still 3 places available for this Fall's retreat. The "early bird" special price is over ($320), but the cost of the retreat is still a really good bargain at a cost of $350. We will accept retreat registrations until Labor Day.
Call or email Margi and she will be happy to answer any questions you may have regarding the upcoming September retreat.
We already have 22 registrants signed-up! We will have room for a total of 25 registrants this year. ROOM FOR 3 MORE PEOPLE!
You may download and print the attached information and Registration form from this email. Be sure to make your checks payable to the Midwest Collage Society.

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

July, August 2024 Newsletter

 Dear MCS Members,

Hope you are all enjoying our lovely summer weather.  It has been so nice to once again hear birdsong instead of the cicada racket. 

Thanks to Carol Kazwick, we had a delightful meeting in June making Sumi Marbling papers.  It was quite magical the way the colors came together to form such interesting designs and patterns.  I've already used one of my papers as a background for a project.  Thanks Carol.

Remember, we don't meet in July and August 4th will be a workday for us from 9:30 am to 2:30 pm.  You can bring the project of your choice and have the opportunity of chatting with fellow members as you create your work for the Smithsonian.  It is also an opportunity to create a piece for the MCS exhibit in September at the Crete Creative Gallery.

For those planning to attend the Creative Artists Retreat, it's a good time to start thinking about what projects you plan to work on and begin gathering the materials. 

See you in August.  Take care,

Nancy Castner
MCS President

August workday from 9:30a to 2:30p


Please remember our upcoming show at the Crete Creative Gallery in September. 
 A prospectus is attached.  This is a judged show with prizes so I hope everyone will have at least one entry. 
The prospectus is due to Chris Jacobson via email, text or snail mail by August 25th.
Our artist reception will be on Saturday, September 7th. Time to be announced.
Save the date September 25-29 for our special retreat at Camp Alexander Mack.
Margi Hafer will be sending an informational email to all Creative Retreat registrants later this month. People who paid a $200 deposit should send their final payment of $120 to Margi on or before August 6th.  There are still 3 places available for this Fall's retreat. The "early bird" special price is over ($320), but the cost of the retreat is still a really good bargain at a cost of $350.
Call or email Margi and she will be happy to answer any questions you may have regarding the upcoming September retreat.
We already have 22 registrants signed-up! We will have room for a total of 25 registrants this year. ROOM FOR 3 MORE PEOPLE!
You may download and print the attached information and Registration form from this email. Be sure to make your checks payable to the Midwest Collage Society.

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Laura Lein-Svencner Laura Lein-Svencner will be presenting a 3-Day Art Journaling Workshop at Naperville Art League, July 11th, 12th, and 13th from 9:30am to 3:30 each day.  Head over to NAP website for more details and to register - Here
The following week Laura will be presenting a 1 Day Retreat at Mayslake Peabody Estate through the DuPage Forest Preserve. July 19th-Plants will be our focus and we will center around getting to know each other and allow the day to unfold inviting our creative spirits in with fun artistic projects while getting up close to our insect family here on planet earth. Head over to the MPE website to find out more details and to register - Here
Rain or shine this will still go on. 

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Workshops available with Jonathan Talbot


Hi All, 

I am pleased to share with you that I have scheduled four

 Creative Exploration Workshops during the next few months.

Collage Techniques & Creative Exploration - 

June 22nd & 23rd

Exploring Image Transfer - July 14th

Review & Refresh - July 20th & 21st

5-Day Creative Exploration Intensive - August 5 thru 9th

Find detailed workshop descriptions, on-line registration forms, 

reviews of past workshops, & more at or, if you prefer, you can call 

me at 845-726-6333 (East Coast hours please).

I hope one of these workshops fits your schedule.



Workshop Website:

Studio Phone: 845-726-6333 (Anytime - If no answer leave a message)

E-mails: and